Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CDs, family, and stuff

Hello once again from Canada's east coast. I am still on the Miramichi, enjoying my family.

I've been working with my mother to finish a giant landscaping project in the front yard. I've never weeded something so horrible! With landscape fabric and mulch, we're starting to make it beautiful. I like dirt and plants and being covered in dirt. Some things never change.

My CD has been met with positive reviews. If you would like to purchase one locally, they are available at Shear Elegance, McCluskey's, and Taxis River Convenience, as well as from my family. If you read this from afar, you may download or purchase the EP online at cd.baby.com/cd/abbypond. I can't wait to record a full length CD with a band, but that is somewhere in the future.

In the meantime, I am searching for employment and hanging out with my crazy family. My mother, sister and I are signed up at the local gym for a month. Let's see if I can stick it out. I hate having other people watching me while I'm excercising.

I'm still looking to sell my truck, which is in BC. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please contact me. Please please. :)

More updates soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all this ranting and raving about politics and goverment services and such and no news about you...