Those are my painted toenails, perched upon the bow of my father's canoe. I returned to the Miramichi in truth on the weekend, joining in the annual day long river float from Hayesville to Boiestown.
I can't remember the last time I sat in the bow of the boat and let someone else do all the work. It was somewhat nice, but I missed the power, control freak that I am.
My father and I had several other carpenters join the crew and take over the shingling of the house (thank goodness.) This week we're going to build the screens and finish up. When that's done, he's lined up a landscaping project that would take me most of the summer...except I'm not going to be here.
My sister had a little baby boy on June 3, which she named Aubrey Camden. He's a cute little thing, though he doesn't do much more than eat, sleep, and poop at this point.
Next week I am going to attempt to record several songs in the recording studio. It is a first for me, so there is lots to learn, but I'm really looking forward to it.
On June 21st, I depart for England via Halifax. I'll keep you posted on all my overseas shenanigans as they unfold.
To my friends far away, I miss you more than I can say. Man, could I use a bottle of wine and a girl's night!
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